Wednesday, June 28, 2006

"How do I say goodbye to what we had... The good times that made us laugh outweigh the bad" - Boyz 2 Men

Life is simply a delicate occurrence.

You’ll realize that when you just sit back and gather your thoughts to yourself. Let not, the smoke from the incense, cloud your mind. As the bunch of guys from way back in secondary school were chatting casually, though not as casual as it used to be.

An aura of solemnity engulfed our surroundings as the gathering of friends, were brought about by the death of another. We didn’t hang out much, neither did we talk often, but Charm was always seen in school, chilling out with the clique of girls and around my neighborhood as well. I often come to wonder why she wasn’t seen around in these past few months. Death, it seems, respects no individual.

Everyone seemed to bear emotional strength at the wake, I noticed as I approached her to give my last respects. A picture came into view as Charm’s smile was evident on the portrait hung above her coffin and with no signs of her battling for life; she laid there in serenity.

Life is simply a delicate occurrence.

"How do I say goodbye to what we had... The good times that made us laugh outweigh the bad" - Boyz 2 Men

In memory of “Charm” – 1983 - 2006

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very moving... I love your Blog.