Tuesday, June 26, 2007

“Well, my girl's in the next room… Sometimes I wish she was you” – Hinder

My music lacks soul.
That sentiment has finally surfaced.

I guess I didn’t have the balls to admit that, upon the heaps of praise and adoration,
My songs lacked soul.

I’ve always been trying to put a finger on it but I can’t quite figure out “Why”.
After writing “Dented Stars” & “12:34”, I realized that they sounded very similar.

I will have to go on a year-long sabbatical, or something, to find that wandering soul of mine.
Propelled by the wrong kind of drive, I chose to embark on the wrong kind of life.

I will write one more song, just one more.
And see how it turns out…

“What I Want To Do” versus “What I Have To Do”
The war wages on…

“Well, my girl's in the next room… Sometimes I wish she was you” – Hinder

I have always wanted to get a band.
By infusing my music with the artistry of a group of musicians, who-knows-what might happen.

So if anyone knows anyone, who plays a mean guitar, keeps a wicked beat on the drums, does a cool bass or has great vocals… please (and I’m begging you now) please, get them to contact me.

*Lyricists and Musicians can also apply*

p.s. this it not Singapore (I-dunno-how-to-sing) Idol


Princess B said...

You can do what you have to do and what you want to do at the same. It's about balancing life. When you find that soul, you will find the have to and want to.

I have lots of faith in you and believe in you. I trust my judgement that you will grow into someone wise, powerful and full of passion for the things you do and ppl around you.

Dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Jayce Tan Kai Xin said...

i've read and commented mr musician


Lia Liaison said...

Hello! Joan from wg here. Nice blog! :D