Monday, April 24, 2006

“When you know that you just don't know...” - Damien Rice

Last night, Good triumphed over Evil, as the Footballing Gods in the form of Liverpool brought down Chelski to its knees in the English FA Cup semi final. The rubles of a certain Mister Roman Abramovic could not buy the silverware after Chelski looks set to have EPL Trophy for the second season in succession.

“When you know that you just don't know...” - Damien Rice

Going to work on a Monday morning is always laden with lethargy, especially if the traveling saps away the energy from you. Every time the second hand ticks, it gently ebbs away the life out of you. You’d just want to turn around and head home.

But I’ve got to persevere. I’ve got to try withstanding the pressures of being a man. Everything in this world revolves around money, moolah, dough, ka-ching, whatever you wanna call it.

This is what's driving me. The coporate ladder might be tough for some, but nothing’s gonna stop me from achieving my goals. I’ll just have to grit my teeth and work up some elbow grease.

It seems that life just zooms by when you’re at the busiest. I had to collect some samples from a Thai QA Engineer who came to this Sunny Country-Island for some auditing. After communicating through countless emails, the name “Yuppadee” seems funny – even my manager laughs at it.

I got disoriented along my way to Changi South Lane. I drove along in my company’s vehicle (an old rackety Berlingo), and I couldn’t help but to admit- I was lost.

A seemly calming sense of familiarity soon pacified my nerves as I briefly glanced at my surroundings. An eerie sensation engulfed me, and I realized- it was her neighborhood.

Flashbacks, sweet memories and recollections of "that fateful night" all rekindled in my mind.
Subconscious took me here. I wonder why...

- Go Figure
- Life Goes On


Jacqueline, HuiLin said...
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rach. said...

it's hard for me to read your blog, yet I can't help but. I care too much not to. Yup, I'm silly like that. :/ Hope your day gets better.

Jacqueline, HuiLin said...

Names of Thais do sound funny to us. One of my Thai customers even has a "porn" in his name! And, we address him as 'Porn'. What a name.

'Fateful Night'? Subconscious? Spectrum of feelings...
That was sometime back in early March.

No doubt, life goes on...
But, did you move on?