Wednesday, May 17, 2006

"Please just leave me right here on my own, later on you could spend some time with me, if you want to.." - Jamie Cullum

“…Different people have a different way of relaxing themselves... Some choose to smoke, some choose to exercise and some choose to be left alone...” – Anonymous

I prefer not to mention who the quote is from. If I’d mention a name it’ll be fine. The problem is that it’s a cute girl I met at work. Hence, all the other anonymous will go berserk again.

Well… What she said got me thinking.
I do like to be alone when I’m stressed, and I’m more efficient as well.
All the clattering, clanging, chattering in the office are mere distractions. They cram your brain with superfluous thoughts.

"Please just leave me right here on my own, later on you could spend some time with me, if you want to…" - Jamie Cullum

It has been a week of misfortune.
Didn’t sleep on Monday- don’t ask me why.
Caught for speeding on Tuesday- 103km/h on TPE… in a van. o_O
Late on Wednesday and Thursday- Champions League Final
Friday… Ah… Good Ol’ TGIF… - I lost my freaking phone.

Maybe it is trying to tell me something. I should be alone.
After Hunter’s act of ripping out the stuffing from both my couches, Dad insists that Hunter is to be given away. I’ve made up my mind- if Hunter goes, then I guess I’ll have to move out.

It’s kind of depressing when you see a queen abdicating her throne, mother abandoning her child, leaving only the king and prince to fend for themselves. And no matter what gives, being all heart-shattered and traumatized you have to don a façade of strength in front of everyone, while deep down inside, you have to pull yourself together and rebuild the world that was magnificent just months ago.

Mum is recovering from an operation for a few weeks now and it’s probable that “ripping up the couch” is his way of relief from frustration. Hope mum recovers soon. Hunter spends most of his time with my mum and their bond is, without a shred of doubt, unbreakable.

Take care Mum.

1 comment:

rach. said...

looks like someone needs a hug ^-^