Monday, August 28, 2006

"Please be mine.. Share my life.. Stay with me.. Be my wife.." - David Bowie

A dull, cumbersome mood was in the air as yet another day at work beckons. While the cat’s away, the mice will certainly play. Bah! Yeah rite… My cat’s away, and I still don’t get to play. Moreover, “playing”, would not be of much fun these days.

An assortment of reactions from comments on the subject of “Love / Lust” caught me by surprise. I guess I’m losing the ability to paint a clear picture with terms and expressions. And now... The public thinks I’m one of them.

Apart from Wei, I guess no one really knows what I’m looking for. I suppose that the time is right to reveal my feelings and to unveil my worded masterpiece.

"Please be mine... Share my life... Stay with me... Be my wife..." - David Bowie

Blowing away a candle to commemorate my birth. Every year, on this very day, I would make one wish – happiness.

“Happiness”, like everything else, is perception. But, what is happiness to me? What makes the world revolve every moment? What makes the stars glimmer amid the darkened sky? What makes your tears stop for a little while, and then make you convey another smile?

Read my blog from the beginning. Arrange all the posts into a comprehensible, little brochure. And this time, understand the flow of which I paint my judgments and sentiments.

I don’t condone anything that’s practiced in this very day and age. Clubbing, swinging and all the vice, they’re just that. Nothing more. Nothing less. And why’ve I condemned “Love”, you might ask?

Frankly, I don’t give a damn.

I’m not looking for love.
I’m not looking for lust.
I’m looking for a woman.

Whose hand fits perfectly into mine
Who’ll smile even when I’m without a nickel or a dime

She’ll share my triumphs and depressions,
She’ll be present through all trials and tribulations.

We’ll spend twilight till our last breath
We’ll recreate our love even in death

She’ll be my world
She’ll be my life

I’m looking not for a woman
I’m looking for my wife.


Jess said...

Hope you'll be able to find the girl who holds the key to your happiness soon.


Anonymous said...

Time is the key factor of life. Once u missed it, u can nv get it back. So live every moment like it was the last. Catch hold of things tat matter to u before its too late. Be patience and who noes, happiness is already there. Waiting for u to discover it.

Wei said...

That was a beautiful piece, cleared up all doubts and bad air.

You dun find your woman this way, Will. You meet them when the time is right.

When people attempt to make friends through myspace or friendsters, they tend to be lonely, empty or people with emotional baggage hoping to find more listening ears, more shoulders to cry on.

They are the same people you would find clubbing their weekends away. Remember our analogy on regular clubbers?

The first step to a self-confident and matured individual, I feel, is the ability to be comfortable being alone.


rach. said...

Wei, you took the words right out of my mouth. ;)

V said...

Cheer up will, things will get better in no time. When it comes it comes yeah, count to ten and breath in.. haha all right all right, ill tell you a joke.

why did the blonde jump off the building when she is having her period?

well because she wanna test if her pad has got wings! CHeer up yeah!

Jess said...

Hmmm.. Update soon alright?

Take care.
